Working across boundaries (2019)

Braithwaite, J., Hollnagel, E. & Hunte, G. (Eds.) (2019). Working across boundaries. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press / Taylor & Francis.

The book demonstrates how Resilient Health Care principles can enable those on the frontline to work more effectively towards interdisciplinary care by gaining a deeper understanding of the boundaries that exist in everyday clinical settings. This is done by presenting a set of case studies, theoretical chapters and applications that relate experiences, bring forth ideas and illustrate practical solutions. The chapters address many different issues such as resolving conflict, overcoming barriers to patient-flow management, and building connections through negotiation. They represent a range of approaches, rather than a single way of solving the practical problems, and have been written to serve both a scientific and an andragogical purpose.

Working Across Boundaries is primarily aimed at people who are directly involved in the running and improvement of health care systems, providing them with practical guidance. It will also be of direct interest to health care professionals in clinical and managerial positions as well as researchers.